Notice is hereby given of the Warringah Aquatic Swim Club Inc AGM to be held on Friday, 21st July,2023 commencing at 6:30pm. At the AGM, all current committee positions will be declared vacantand elections held to fill those positions.
It will be held at: North Curl Curl Surf Club.
All financial members of the Club who are 18 years of age and over are eligible to vote and areencouraged to attend. If you feel you would like to assist but are not sure in what capacity, you would be welcome to nominate as an individual member or in an assistant position.
New volunteers are always welcome and we invite all those who may be interested to nominate forcommittee positions.
This is your club and your chance to make a difference. We look forward to welcoming your attendance and participation on Friday 21st July at 6:30pm.
Please nominate for a position HERE
All Enquiries to President, Brad Higgs (, or Secretary, Ariel (